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Meet Anna La...

My name is Anna La. I was born in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. 5 years later, my world was flipped when I immigrated across the globe. I arrived in America knowing no English and having no idea where I was or why I was here, all I knew was that I didn't consider it “home”. Growing up, I spent the majority of my childhood introverted, feeling “scared” and “shy” because I really never felt like I "belonged” but it was through taking leadership roles in my extracurriculars, planning community projects, volunteering, public speaking, designing websites and my self-improvement podcast that helped me to discover the voice that I never thought I had. When volunteering, all of my problems vanished because I’m focused on something bigger than myself, that’s why I love it so much. This motivated me to actively seek the impact I could have on my community, particularly the youth, because I know how it feels to grow up feeling isolated. 

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